Kitty Collins

Get Horny with the Dentist

Get Horny with the Dentist blog post hero image

Get Horny with the Dentist

Hi all my friends and companions I had an appointment to go to the dentist and if like most people did not look forward to it  nevertheless it had to be done,  smile while you still have teeth is my motto.  I have always looked after my teeth and I can give a good bite with them for those of you who like pain of course there are places you would not like to be bitten but a little nimble never hurt.

The point of this story is I visited my friend who had been to the dentist for some serious implant work, she looked amazing the plan was to go with her but even the smell of the dentists surgery can make me feel queasy!! 

That evening I thought I would have a early night I call it beauty sleep and I had the strangest dream regarding the dentist and I on his chair and we were having fun lots of it, I was really upset when I woke up I tried to go back to the dream but it had gone but the memory lived on.  Have you experienced a dream you did not want to end.  

Kitty  let me fulfil your dream even if it is a wet one xx
