Kitty Collins

Resolutions no way!

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Resolutions no way!

Who cares about resolutions. Happy New Year it is that time again you sexy devils hows it hanging after all the festivities Christmas and New Year. I am almost glad it is over and we can all get back to Normality, whatever that means to you.

I will listen with pleasure regarding your failures to keep the resolutions going although I would have thought you were all perfect just like me.

It’s our human need for novelty that makes us believe that a new year will be just the catalyst we need for lasting transformation. Sadly, that's often not the case. Once the novelty wears off in as little as a week into January our motivation begins to dwindle bit by bit. A quarter of us can't stick with our resolutions for seven measly days, while almost half of us have given up by the end of the month. there are far better things ahead then any we left behind.

My New Years resolution is to be sexier so lets have a sexy New Year The best is yet to come.

Kitty Always amazing always exciting. You are always welcome xx
