Kitty Collins

Stuffing my face for Easter

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Stuffing my face for Easter

Hi Chocolate lovers it is that time of year again but as I wish to keep my sexy figure I will not stuff my beautiful face with chocolate, I may be open to other ideas for stuffing but not always chocolate.  There are many sexual things to be done with chocolate but it can be messy

I thought a little biology lesson regarding actual rabbits. Not made of chocolate 

Why Rabbits Mating and Falling Over? / Male – Buck

It appears to be a strange mating behavior when rabbits fall off at the end of mating, but it is common in rabbits. Rabbits generally grunt and fall and do so as a sign of success. (Sounds like a man I know) Another reason for this behavior is that they fall off because their front feet lack the ability to grip. Their toes do not curl, so when they ejaculate, they fall off.

Rabbits Mating

When does shows signs of heat, they begin to behave restlessly, rub their body against the feeding and water containers, and are looking for their mating partner. When in heat, their vulva becomes moist and reddish, usually swollen and purple in color. If the color of the vulva is pale whitish, it means they are not ready to breed.

When the male approaches, does present them by lying on her stomach and raising his tail? Before preparing them for mating, make sure they are in good health and injury-free.

Always takes the doe to the bucks cage to mate. The reason behind this fact is that does are territorial. If bucks are placed in their cage, they will become territorial. Similarly, if the buck is placed in a doe cage, it will spend a long time sniffing and then mating.

Does a Female Rabbit Pass out after Mating?

Just like their male counterparts, females may also pass out from sheer exhaustion and stress. If the rabbit has been heavily inseminated during mating, it could be enough to make the female pass out.

Since rabbits are prey animals, it’s common for them to experience this when they are in pain or feeling ill. This is only natural and should not be something that people get too concerned about. Mating can be exhausting for the rabbit, but since the male is larger than the female, he may recover more quickly

Happy Easter, Kitty x
